
They are a really useful tool aren’t they! I kept a list of names aside when I was looking for middle names for both of my children so I’ll eventually get through those too.

I have! Funnily enough only with one name: Simon. And he always ends up being the ex boyfriend or the dowdy or horrible current boyfriend and soon to be ex. I don’t know what it is with that name. Sorry to the Simons of the world.

This is really interesting. I think there is a lot more weight and significance to names than people realise. You can even argue that the opposite it true. When the character is nameless, this can also be a significant choose from the author. I wrote a story about a woman reconnecting with her father who has Alzheimer’s and both characters are nameless to represent her father’s condition.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

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Three things came to mind while reading:

1) I've definitely used baby name sites/generators as well when naming characters. Super helpful.

2) Have you ever found yourself writing a new piece, wherein you're naming new characters, only to discover when revising that you've used a name (or two, or three), in other stories? Definitely guilty of that.

3) In college fiction courses, we spent a lot of time dissecting character names and discovering, or attaching, meaning to them. Sometimes, I'd argue, too much time haha. But, in doing so, I now know that there have been entire academic essays written on Christ figures in literature, and, specifically, those whose first and last initials are J.C.

So yes, 100%, the names you choose for your characters matter. Very much so. Thanks for writing and sharing!

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